Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Meg is VIP

I did several entries, so please keep scrolling or going to the next page. Also, I still am not good at this so the ones about my parent's coming to visit are in reverse order, so if you want to know what is going on you'll have to read them that way. Sorry.

Meg is the VIP for her school this week. She got to bring home "Jules the Giraffe" and take pictures with him doing different things she likes. Meg is a great help to me, especially in the kitchen. She is making pizza here and she rolled that dough out all by herself! She is a very big girl. We are proud of our Meg.
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Betsy said...

Cute Giraffe! I thought she was making some pie crust. I still can't stop thinking about your Mom's apple pie.

stuckibunchoh said...

That is a cute picture!!! She is a big girl, and will make a great Big sister.

Marnie said...

Great rolling job, Meg! Look out Betty Crocker!

Marnie said...

Congratulations on the BOY that you're expecting! Our ninos will be best buds. Can't wait for your next post. :)