Monday, February 16, 2009

Grandma & Grandpa Kiehl Come for a Visit

Grandma & Grandpa Kiehl arrived for their visit on Jan. 27. We had a wonderful time with them. They stayed with us for the first half of their visit and then at Betsy and Seth's for the rest. Unfortunately, Tom had to work like a mad-man for their entire visit and didn't get to see them much. We did several fun things with them, however I only had my camera with me for our trip to the Houston Zoo, which we loved! The kids loved all of the animals. Makena and Meg were pretending to be scared of the snakes and lizards in the first picture. The petting zoo was a hit for my kids! I had to drag them both out of there.

We also went to a really neat water fountain show that is near our mall here. For some reason we had never been there before and it was very impressive, choreographed to music, etc. I was glad Tom's parents were able to see Meg at her gymnastics and swimming classes, I know she really enjoyed having them watch her as well. Charlie loved talking to Grandma and Grandpa all day, mostly telling them "hello" over and over again. He also loved that Grandpa liked playing outside with the boys, which is Charlie's favorite pastime! I also turned 29 while they were here visiting, which was fun. We went to dinner with them that night, to an Italian restaurant.

I went to the doctor while they were here and found out that I am measuring 4 weeks bigger than I should be, which has started a new round of worrying for me. They will do an ultrasound next week to see what's happening. That's the baby update for now...

We loved our visit from the Kiehl's and look forward to more visits soon! Hint, hint!
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Marnie said...

Sounds like a fun visit! I guess there in Texas going to the zoo in the middle of winter isn't bad. Does Meg even do swimming outdoors or are her lessons indoors? Happy Birthday, Sarah! We hope you had a great one.

Ana-Maria said...

Pretty nice photograph.Hi!