Monday, June 14, 2010

What's for dinner?...CRABS!!!

We stayed right on the sound and it was beautiful! We were told by the locals that you can tie a "chicken neck" to a rope, place it in the sound and then a crab will grab on and not let go while you catch it in a net. This was incredible fun! We actually didn't keep them and cook them we just threw them back in so we could catch them again the next night!

As you can see, there were no sides to the little pier and we were very afraid we would lose one of the kids over the edge. You can see Tom with his arm around Meg the whole time. I thought for sure Henry was going over, he is a wild man! Luckily it's only a couple feet deep, but still not something you want to do.

We loved watching people "kiteboard" in the sound as well. They would have a wake board on their feet and would be holding onto a rope attached to a huge kite that would pull them all over the sound and also very high in the air. It was pretty amazing.

We had such a great time!
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Betsy said...

The weather looks so nice! I always laugh when Mom talks about how hot and humid it is in Ohio. I think you can actually see the humidity here.

The sound looks nice. It's kind of sad that we probably won't be back there as a family for another 4-5 years with the rotation.

Marnie said...

Looks like a great vacation! Glad you had fun with your family. Lots of fun memories were made.