Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Journal Writing

Meg has been getting very good at writing in her journal (not without bribing and constant encouragement though)...And we've started having Charlie do one as well, mostly just to get him used to writing sentences and ready for kindergarten (it still takes us about 15 minutes to get through two sentences!). They are very fun to read though!


Betsy said...

I am impressed! Seriously! You guys definitely have some Chinese mother's blood in you. I can barely get Cam to do his HW! I can't imagine him doing journal writing at home. And Bode, haha! There's a reason he isn't going to Kindergarten next year..:)

Marnie said...

What? Writing sentences BEFORE kindergarten? What is this world coming to?!!!

stuckibunchoh said...

I am sure that this a scholar activity suggested by Tom that Sarah gets to implement! Gotta love it. Parker loves to write stories - not so much in a journal. However, my girls All love to write in journals. I can not keep the notebooks in this house! They are fun to read and give quite the incite to what is going on in those brains!!!